Kamis, 19 Mei 2011


The things we disapprove of his body weight, hair loss, wrinkles, fine lines, blemishes and dryness. Looking younger than your age is the secret of a young and confident attitude. Anti-aging beauty starts right out of you, the kind of food you eat can affect your appearance. You can get a variety of foods from the food pyramid for good health. Certain foods should be avoided because it causes many symptoms that your body seems to be boring and old age. You can age by reducing your calories and cholesterol-free foods. Brightly colored fruits such as mangoes and citrus fruits are a good source of vitamin C for healthy skin hydrated. Grapes and berries contain antioxidants that reduce damage by preventing free radical aging. can eat and drink plenty of water and vegetables such as garlic improve removes toxins and aging. Whole grains should be part of anti-aging food. Simple exercises like facial exercises involving chewing grin and a distortion of the face in different directions at least five minutes twice a day, circulation, complexion, facial skin. Frowning helps the skin loses its elasticity. Cardiovascular exercise, walking, jogging and walking to burn excess calories that you took a slim young.
The anti-aging products have flooded the market and come in many formulas for different skin types. The anti-aging may be in the form of creams or lotions. These beauty products have healing properties for skin rejuvenation of aging or slowing the signs of aging. These are products that can be used on hair, skin and face are applied to the skin, smooth, supple and moist. The wide range of these anti-aging products should not be confused, it is always good, with a professional before using them with your skin. Other solutions anti-aging anti-aging supplements that can eat you.

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